Santiago Creel (PAN)

Santiago Creel


Creel most recently served as president of the PAN faction in the Mexican Senate. He is well-known among party members, in part because he previously competed (unsuccessfully) against Andrés Manuel López Obrador (PRD) in 2000 in the Federal District mayoral race and against Felipe Calderón for the 2006 presidential PAN nomination. He has proved to be resilient after those defeats, continuing his political career in the executive branch as Interior Minister under President Vicente Fox (2000-2005) and now in the Senate, and has built a wide base of political support. Despite his early lead within the party, however, his support in polls seems to be dropping slightly each month.

-See his July 11, 2011 announcement of his presidential aspirations.
-Watch or read Creel’s comments at an October 2009 presentation at the Mexico Institute.
-Visit his website.
-See his biography on Excélsior’s website.
-View an analysis of his background and potential (as well as the other candidates’) on Dr. Duncan Wood’s elections blog.

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