Ernesto Cordero (PAN)

Ernesto Cordero

Cordero is widely respected for his previous role as Treasury Secretary, especially since the financial crisis and recession of 2008 and 2009; he stepped down on September 9th to contend for the party’s nomination. Before this post, he served as as Minister of Social Development (SEDESOL). In addition to being considered an intelligent and capable administrator, he is seen as a favorite of President Calderón. Two primary weaknesses are his lack of dynamism as a speaker, and the perception that he is removed from the experience of average Mexicans. He has made a couple of comments recently about Mexican poverty that have generated outrage among lower-income Mexicans in particular.

-See Dr. Duncan Wood’s assessment of Cordero’s chances from September 20, 2011 for the Center for Strategic and International Studies’ Mexico 2012 project.
-Read his decision on September 9, 2011 to step down from the Treasury in order to compete for the PAN’s presidential nomination.
-See his speech at a January 2010 presentation at the Mexico Institute on the impact of the financial crisis on Mexico.
-Read his announcement of his interest in running for president from May 26, 2011.
-Follow him on Twitter.

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